Valentine’s Day – Show a Loved One You Care About Their Health

Do you ever get frustrated when a friend or family member complains about their health issues but takes no action?
If your answer is yes, you’re not alone!
Everyone procrastinates, and many of us procrastinate our health issues. Whether it’s a toothache that’s been left for weeks without scheduling a dentist’s appointment or that family doctor’s appointment for your chronic pain that’s been deferred too many times. We understand that life happens and busy schedules can often get in the way, however, waiting too long to address these health problems often causes them to worsen.
This is where we come in… Consider referring your loved one as a new patient to Centre for Chiropractic Care! We staff only the most highly-qualified chiropractors at our two Calgary wellness-focused clinics.
Our experienced chiropractors, which include Dr. Alan Chong, Dr. Karis Langvand, and Dr. Susanne Morris, have many years of clinical expertise correcting spine problems, posture issues, chronic back pain, chronic headaches and spinal check-ups. These are just a few reasons to visit a chiropractor.
Even if you’re unsure a chiropractor can help, we would love for you to contact us so that we can provide you with our best advice on treating the problem. Sometimes we will offer a referral to one of our other Clinical Staff such as our Registered Acupuncturist, Dr. Neil Prain, for pain relief or Registered Massage Therapist, Stephanie Heron, for therapeutic massage.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us for a detailed consultation! You can schedule an appointment online or call us at Crowfoot: 403-239-2245 or Downtown: 403-237-5200 to speak to one of our friendly and knowledgeable staff members.
So whether this special someone is the love of your life, a long-time friend, or it’s YOU, we encourage you to take the first step towards a pain-free life by contacting one of our clinics. After all, love heals all wounds…
Happy Valentine’s Month!!!