Why choose chiropractic?
Whether you are a worker, parent, student, or athlete; we can all benefit from chiropractic care. Daily activities that contain consistent movements could restrict our body’s nervous system from communicating properly. Specific chiropractic adjustments and treatments not only increase range of motion and provide relief, but also reduce inflammation and tension.
If you have just been in a Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA), don’t wait – get examined today. We conveniently offer direct billing to your insurance, so our main focus can be on you.
We also accept most major types of personal insurance companies by direct billing. Contact us to learn more.
our focus
- Timely, Accurate Assessments
- Corrective Focus on Underlying Cause
- Noticeable differences between treatments
Do you have acute back pain, neck pain, or a pinched nerve?
Let us know if it’s urgent. Timing is everything when it comes to recovery. It’s always best to not push off your injury no matter how big or minor it seems. Our clinics have several extremely qualified chiropractors who will be able to help you. Each has their own unique way of treatment, find out more here.
Have you just sustained an injury? Unsure of what to do? You are not alone. When we experience acute or constant pain, it can be confusing and frightening, especially when you don’t know the cause of it. That’s why we aim to educate our patients on their condition from the very first visit.
It all starts with a thorough assessment. We take the time to fully understand and examine the cause of your concern. Without a strong foundation, there wouldn’t be proper treatments and fast results.
Follow-up ensures that your painful problem is addressed specifically and thoroughly with minimal chances of a relapse.
Schedule Your Consultation
Let our staff Calgary Chiropractors help you decide a course of action for your problem. Simply call us or click to request a spine consultation appointment. Your goal is our goal… get relief and stay well.
chronic persistent pain
Chronic pain occurs from the overuse of muscles and/or repetitive strain over a long period of time. Causes of chronic pain can arise from sitting, standing, working, playing sports, or even genetics.
There are many ways to alleviate chronic pain and there are many ways to prevent it as well. The body is a vast network, and everything from nutrition to physical activity will affect how you perform, recover, and thrive.
Our spinal experts aim to provide you with combined treatments, advice, and exercises to help rehabilitate your injury and attain long-term wellness.

Laser Therapy has 3 Major Benefits for fast-acting and lasting relief: Cold Laser Therapy is offered at both our DOWNTOWN & CROWFOOT locations.

can ease inflammation and may shrink tissue swelling
can accelerate healing by up to 200% Faster Healing
Can quickly ease painful injuries including brusing
Cold laser therapy relieves deep and acute pain by penetrating 5cm deep into the muscle. Laser therapy can help with conditions such as arthritis, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, and sprains/strains.
Be ahead of the pain with our popular and effective choice of Laser Therapy.
Ask us to see if it’s right for you.
Pain-free is the first goal to any treatment plan, and second is to maintain pain-free for longer and longer until full recovery and healing can take place. Long term follow-up ensures proper healing. So that’s why we most often recommend follow-up care.
Chronic nagging backache or degenerative discs or joints slowing you down?
An accurate assessment by our experienced chiropractors leads you to success in getting a chronic problem under control. We provide excellent natural relief options for chronic aches and pains. Although not all conditions such as osteoarthritis or degeneration are curable, we believe that optimal relief and function can go a long way to you enjoying a better quality of life. Having many more good days than bad days is a big improvement for many of our patients.
Just needing an adjustment? …or a Spinal check-up? No problem…
We welcome New Patients on a check-up or transfer basis. We know that you may be just needing an adjustment, but for your benefit and safety, we will always do a thorough medical history and physical examination to ensure we understand your health status and needs for chiropractic care. You will always benefit from the extra care and attention you receive at Centre for Chiropractic Care. And we value giving you our honest opinion about your case and need for care.
It’s your care, your choice.
After all, the “Care” is about YOU.
Do you work in front of a computer all day long? or stare at a device slouched over?
If so, you’re at risk of developing a permanent “Hump” in your upper back.
Another name for this excessive postural curve is “kyphosis”. This abnormal curvature is due to chronic slouching as commonly seen in computer and office-based workers.
Firstly, correction of this abnormal posture begins with proper chiropractic care to adjust for the abnormal alignment. Secondly, is to improve the posture and ergonomics that contribute to this deformity. If treated with proper chiropractic adjustments, postural correction and exercises, in early onset, we believe it is correctable. Later stages and age-related factors may make this a permanent deformity or a permanent “Hump”
pricing list
Manual Adjustments:
- Adult $60
- Seniors and Students $55
- Children 12 years and under $50
Initial Assessment: $69 + cost of treatment (usually a manual adjustment)
- Adult $129
- Seniors and Students $124
- Children 12 years and under $119

Children have spines. Chiropractic care is for kids too! Here’s why…
Look at the slouching and device use of our young people today!
Who is looking after the posture and alignment of your kids?
Chiropractic care for children is often on a check-up basis for prevention of spinal problems such as abnormal curvatures, poor posture, scoliosis, and back pain. Research studies suggests children, especially active kids may experience back pain much as adults do.
Regular chiropractic treatments can ensure healthier kids in general through ideal posture, alignment, and function. Many studies have documented the benefits of a healthy well-aligned and properly functioning spine. From freedom from back pain to better posture and scoliosis prevention; our chiropractors are on top of chiropractic for your kids.
Ask us about our Kid’s week.
Did you know that the most common cause of headaches is tension?
Tension in the neck and upper back muscles contribute to the vast majority of tension headaches. Yet, many people still take pain medication instead of addressing the cause of their head pain.
Chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy, especially in combination are very effective for providing lasting relief of most tension-related headaches. Migraine headaches are more complicated, but chiropractic care has also been shown to be effective for many migraine sufferers.
Pregnant or post-pregnancy with back pain, hip, or joint issues? We can help.
You’ve reached the right place. Many women like you may experience a range of discomfort, significant spinal, pelvic or hip joint pain as a result of the profound physical changes due to pregnancy. This becomes even more evident after one or more pregnancies. Chiropractic care is a safe and effective alternative treatment for pregnancy related back pain experienced in about 75% of all pregnant women.
There is efficient, effective relief available for you if you’re suffering from low back pain associated with pregnancy.
Significant spinal pain, persistent pinched nerve, sciatica, or a disc problem?
Or are you faced with spinal injections or possible spinal surgery? If you’ve sought other opinions and treatments and find yourself wanting more answers and better results, then come see an expert at our spine clinic, Calgary Spinal Decompression Centre.
Treatment shouldn’t have to be months away! We know that most of you are in pain and require the assistance immediately. We offer a non-surgical, conservative, and safe approach to a long-term problem.
If you are looking for help and can’t seem to get it elsewhere, look no further! We are here to help you.
We make room for urgent consultations. For a detailed spinal consultation, contact us here.