We are what we eat! At least , our health is a product of what we consume. This phrase is now showing true to life in current research on nutrition, health and wellness. You are a product of your environment and the quality of the food that you consume influences your body function on a daily basis. For better or worse, we are made up of the building blocks and quality of the food and nutrients that we provide ourselves on a daily basis.
Here’s my new summer favorite veggie! Leafy greens such as Romaine lettuce provide much needed phytochemicals and antioxidants. Abundant in leafy greens, these important phytochemicals have the added benefit of being anti-aging nutrients. Not only is the chlorophyll and other plant chemicals in the green part of leafy veggies beneficial in detoxifying but a healthy dose of fiber and minerals are in all leafy greens. Available year-round, Grilled organic romaine lettuce leaves are an ideal, easy to prepare veggie.

Grilled Romaine with Balsamic Vegetable Marinade – an original recipe by Dr. Alan Chong
To prepare lettuce, remove outer and distressed leaves and discard to compost, leaving 10 – 15 leaves of lettuce. Cut heart of romaine in half. Trim off the stem portion. Brush with balsamic vinegar marinade.
Balsamic Vegetable Marinade
Whisk ingredients together and brush liberally onto both sides of lettuce leaves, just prior to grilling.
Over a medium hot grill, place romaine leaves inner side down for 1-2 minutes, wilting the leaf and creating light grill marks. Remove from heat immediately when leaves begin to wilt. Serve as an excellent side dish of a crispy,tasty leafy green that is easy and quick to prepare.
Serving suggestions: grilled-romaine-lettuce-scallion side veggies and cold veal roast slices with grilled romaine and basil infused olive oil.