As winter sets upon us, it is the time of year for slips and falls. Although it can be quite funny to see another stranger fall or perhaps laughing at yourself; we do have to be cautious of our winter injuries. If we do not take care of it properly, it could become something more.

Statistics from the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) covering 2011 to 2016 reveal that nearly 41 per 100,000 Albertans were hospitalized after slip and falls. Alberta’s hospitalization rate is nearly three times the number compared to Ontario.
Hospitalization is defined as requiring the patient to spend at least one day in the hospital due to an injury. It also reveal that falls on average kill 219 Albertans each year, with approximately 4% of these deaths related to falls on ice or snow.
Common Winter Injuries

Some of the most common winter injuries include:
- Broken bones
- Bruising and sprains from ice or snow slippage
- Muscles strains from shoveling
- Ruptured discs from heavy lifting or shoveling
- Chilblains, frostbite
- Torn ACL’s from winter sports
- Whiplash from motor vehicle accidents.
There are many preventative measures that can be made to reduce the risks of the above injuries.
- Always warm up 5-10 mins prior to starting an activity. Whether it’s shoveling, winter sports or even just for a walk, taking that extra little bit to warm up will really help the muscles stay mobile in the harsh weathers.
- Lift with your legs while shoveling and never “throw” the snow as it can strain your back moving a heavy load. No lifting and twisting at the same time. Alternatively, walk over and drop the snow or simply push it along the ground.
- Dress accordingly to the weather to ensure you maintain the optimal body temperature in which you’re comfortable to stay outdoors.
- Stay hydrated, just because it’s winter doesn’t mean your body doesn’t need the fluids!
- Apply salt or sand on the sidewalk and stairs; you’ll thank yourself and others will thank you too.
- Buy crampons to help secure yourself when walking in black ice.
- Drive with caution, if you are not confident driving in certain conditions, then rethink and possibly find another method of transportation.
What Happens When Left Untreated

Most injuries can seem minor in the beginning, but it isn’t until years down the road that you start experiencing the repercussions of it. At the clinic, we see many patients that come in saying that “I hurt my back many years ago playing hockey” or “I was in a car accident a long time ago, I believe that was the cause of this problem”. Now, not every injury will evolve into something more, but why take the chance? Deal with it now and you won’t have to down the road.
These are some common injuries that could be something more if proper treatment isn’t being seek.
Sprained ankle: Sprains happen when you overstretch or tear a ligament resulting in an aggravated joint. Although sprains are one of the most common musculoskeletal injuries; it could lead to ankle instability resulting in chronic pain, swelling and ultimately arthritis. With poor balance and ankle posture, your ankle can give way frequently, further stretching and straining the injured ligaments.
Muscle strains from shoveling: Low back strains due to the tearing of a muscle occurs more commonly in cold weather resulting from muscle tightness. Over time, this could lead to chronic back pain, hip pain, and postural disfunction. This results from the corresponding side is injured and tight, cause leg length discrepancy and over compensation with one side greater than the other.
Whiplash: A whiplash is a soft tissue neck injury resulting from forceful bending of the neck forward and backward; imitating the cracking of a whip, which funny fact is how this name came to be. Without immediate and proper examination, whiplash could lead to chronic neck pain, stiff and soreness, mobility issues, vertigo, headaches and migraines, and vertebrae misalignment.
Ruptured and herniated discs: A herniated disc is not something to take lightly, as severity can range from extreme chronic pain, disability, and even paralysis. This can occur in any three parts of your spine: cervical (neck), thoracic (mid-back) and lumbar (low back). While you can herniate a disc after a car accident, it can occur from heavy lifting, sudden pressure or continuous strenuous activities on the spine.
How To Seek Treatment

If you or someone you know has sustained an injury, then the first thing to do is assess it. Keep close attention and make sure that the injury does not get progressively worse over the next 24-48 hours. If it does, seek professional medical attention right away. It’s always better to get a second opinion and provide you with relief to the condition.
As Calgary chiropractors, we have seen many cases from the above stated and have helped treat them accurately. Through thorough examination and precise treatment plan carefully curated for each individual, many are able to live life unrestricted. With combined treatments of chiropractic adjustment, cold laser therapy, soft tissue therapy, and decompression
Through our new transfer to Jane, individuals can conveniently book their treatments online. Alternatively, you may also give our a clinic a call at 403-239-2245 to inquire more about our services.